Google Docs Pageless
This is PERFECT for Nocode sites!
As I sit down to write this blog I am genuinely quite excited. One of the most common issues we and any Nocode user has had is when you’re laying out your content in your Google Doc and you have an image or a table at the bottom of the page and it jumps down to the next page and even by changing the document view to remove the gaps between pages it still didn’t ‘feel’ quite right in terms of giving an accurate representation of what your Doc content would look like when pulled through to your Nocode site.
Then last week we were delighted to read this article from Ritika a Google Docs Community Manager
Hello Pageless!!!
So in reality this is quite a simple little change, but we’re loving being able to just add our content in to a much more flexible environment without the traditional page constraints that Google Docs inherited from the DTP world of pre-internet software.
We’re sure you’ll love it to! Just click File > Page Setup which will show you the dialogue above, you can set it as your default in the bottom left hand corner. In a meta moment here’s the before and after, taken whilst writing this very document.
We’re sure you’ll agree that this is SOOOO much better for managing your pages in your Nocode sites.
Till next time!